Sunday, May 27, 2012

Unfulfilled Promise

Dear students of 2011/2012... Andrew, Chiara, Girisha, Farah, Kay, Alwani, Nadia, Amir, Lim, Shiqin, Fatin... and the long list of other names that I might not be able to mention here... this is a declaration of an unfulfilled promise. Or rather, a declaration that I will not fulfil my promise.

You might be asking, what promise? I understand, after having been at home for 2 months. You might not even remember that you had spent almost a year with me in this side of the world.

Alright, coming back to the promise... it's the promise of a Facebook account. If I had remembered well, I had promised of opening a Facebook account to keep in touch with you and vice versa.

Yet, I feel, at this moment, that I do not really need a Facebook account. I am not a computer nor an Internet junkie. I do not spend most of my time every day in front of the PC. Though I have the privilege of a PC at the office, my life is not ruled by it. Having looked at a friend's FB account, I am confident that I will be stressed thinking of updating my status, checking and replying to messages, adding and rejecting friends, getting rid of unwanted, unbecoming, inappropriate messages, and God-knows-what-other-things related to Facebook. I'm already having a hard time updating this blog of mine, what more with a FB account to update rather regularly.

So I have decided then... no FB. Furthermore, my friends who are suppossed to transfer to other colleges decided not to go and so a FB account is no more essential. Well, I have to be honest, one of the reasons for me to have the FB account is to keep in touch with my friends whom I thought were leaving. And as they are staying, I think you know the answer.

I therefore apologize, especially if you have been waiting. Please still do keep in touch, via this blog if not by phone. I would want to know where you are heading for tertiary education. All the best then for your future undertakings and please do take care.

1 comment:

  1. We understand teacher. =) Your busy schedule does not permit of an extra burden.
    Will keep in touch with you always! Take Care too teacher.


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